Tuesday, December 28, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog...

Over the last couple of years, more and more of my friends have started blogging. Ive always enjoyed reading people's posts but have always been hesitant to blogging myself. Ive seen people use blogs as a completely uncensored outlet for anything and everything they have to say and never really understood the appeal of having a "public" journal.

However, I love just stumbling upon witty and fascinating stories and random pieces of trivia or jokes that make an ordinary day far more entertaining. To me, it is incredibly special and refreshing when I get to hear about difficult and exciting things going on in other peoples lives because its an opportunity to witness the beautiful and irreplacable contribution each individual makes within this world.

I feel as though this past year has consisted of countless hours of reflection and contemplation regarding who I am and where Im going. Falling into Fate feels like a very fitting description of my life right now because, although I know there is a specific fate or destiny for my life, it feels as though I just happen to be chaotically and randomly falling into it. Having said that, I feel like whereever I'm headed Im getting there through some very exciting, puzzling, silly, and even slightly awkward experiences.

So Ive decided to just receive whatever madness is headed my way and enjoy the ride.